Grow Your Organization
Should I Start
A Nonprofit?
Melanoma nonprofits fill unique needs and work to help fill gaps in research funding and patient advocacy for the millions who suffer from melanoma globally. Starting a nonprofit is an exciting and rewarding opportunity, but it can also be challenging.
Before setting up a nonprofit, the first step is to analyze if there is an unmet needs or gaps that have not been addressed by other nonprofits in your country.
The following materials are provided for free to help build or grow your nonprofit organization.

KnowHow NonProfit
KnowHow NonProfit – the place for nonprofit people to learn and share what they have learnt with others.
National Council of Non-Profits
The National Council of Nonprofits (Council of Nonprofits) is a trusted resource and advocate for America’s charitable nonprofits. The National Council of Nonprofits produces and curates tools, resources, and samples for nonprofits.
Nonprofit Information
Non Profit Information is an independent informational website for nonprofits and philanthropists.
Non Profit Quarterly
NPQ was launched as a national print journal in the winter of 1999 and was designed to fill a gap by providing credible, research based articles for nonprofits about management and governance. Soon after it began it also started to cover issues related to the operating environment for nonprofits, specifically public policy and philanthropy. NPQ’s quarterly print journal soon became known as The Harvard Business Review for the nonprofit sector.
Non Profit Ready
Online career development tool that provides free training to nonprofit staff and volunteers with access to a collection of e-learning and other training resources.
The Resource Foundation
TRF offers Latin American nonprofits a range of value-added services to help them strengthen their organizational capacity and advance their mission. https://resourcefnd.org/our-services/if-youre-an-ngo/
The Foundation Center
TFC provides free funding information through more than 400 Funding Network locations, many in public libraries, community foundations, and other nonprofit resource centers. Fundraising capacity is just one of many muscles that an effective and sustainable charitable nonprofit needs to be in "top form" to advance its missions.
European Fundraising Association
The EFA is a network of national fundraising associations and observers, working to strengthen and develop fundraising across Europe. Together we represent the European fundraising community with one voice, one collective body and one shared goal of facilitating better fundraising. https://efa-net.eu/